You are natural-born healers. This is not in the way that you think of traditional healing but rather healers of the heart.  You have a natural inborn affinity for helping people in any way you can, be it health of mind, body, spirit, or all of it.  You each do that in your own way.  You do it with your kind words and with compassion that you send out to the world.  You do it with a deep awareness of what is going on in the world.  Whenever you see confusion in any situation and you bring your own natural awareness to it, the healing begins in the heart of the other person simply by your listening and understanding in a compassionate way. 

Kindness can be underrated in this world, but it is sorely needed.  You are being kind when you smile with warm loving eyes at people.  You are being kind when you engage them in a small hello or conversation. You are being kind when you comment about what they are wearing or what lovely eyes they have.   Focus on whatever you see that you can comment on in a caring way.  Anything to warm the hearts of others can make their day or help them out of their ruminations about what is wrong in their lives or the world by simply focusing them on something in them that you see as lovely. 

People are starved for the warmth of the soul.  They are hungry for what you have to offer so keep doing it.  Children, pets, and adults all thrive on being given kindness and compliments rather than corrections.  The fewer corrections we give one another in this world, the better the world will be.  So, as you move through your day in every moment whether it is a text, a phone call, an email, or wherever you find yourself, do or say something caring for someone.  It will benefit you as well as others.  As kindness goes out, so it returns.

Be the love and peace you want to see and remember whatever the question, love is the answer. Love you.


Beloveds, what do you want to write about today?

The state of the world is a good place to start, and it is not for us to judge it or for you to judge it. It is just what is going on now. In the future there will be something that comes out of it that you do not have the eyes to see right here in this moment as you look through your human eyes. At this time, even your Spiritual eyes cannot discern what is about to happen, and that’s where trust comes in. You can choose to trust that whatever is about to evolve will evolve in a way that will assist the world on a grand scale.
When you look back in history to this time, it will be perceived as a time of the great awakening. The great awakening is preceded by a great time of pain and suffering. It is more often than not through pain because people resist change unless they are forced to, and with force comes pain. However, please remember that this pain is more intense when you resist it without recognizing that there is a plan behind it all.
When you look at the sides that people are taking with what is happening in the world, you will see people are waking up in their own individual ways. There are no sides in reality; there are only people who are being influenced by what is happening out there and within themselves. They look at the world, and then they think and feel what resonates with them. But know that very resonance is colored by what is going on inside of them. You cannot imagine this, but you can have empathy.

When you look at people, see the inner child and the Light within. What you see on the outside is not Who they are in Truth. You are not your thoughts; you are not your emotions. You are not only what you think you are. You are so much more than that. Let yourselves out of the captivity of being only human beings encapsulated in this body you have taken on this lifetime. You can choose to see and move beyond this little version of yourself. You have it within you to know the greater part of you, Who you really are. You are the Light of the world and the Divine’s hands and feet. You are how God shows up on this realm.

Be the love and peace you want to see.


There is so much in the world you could fret and worry about. But if you come from a worried heart you are not coming from a place of peace. You have it within you, within your grasp in every moment, to be the peace you want to see in the world.

So here is a plan. Focus your attention on your breath. Let your breath be the signal to pause and be aware of where you are in consciousness. Are you worried or concerned about something in your life or in the world? When you focus on the situation with worry it grows in your consciousness and lowers your vibration. Instead, breathe into your worry. Then allow the situation to be as it is without trying to control the outcome. By letting go, you withdraw your precious energy from worrying about the situation. This is your opportunity to bring the peace that you are at the core of your being into that situation by being present in a peaceful state. This is called loving what is.

You may think you don’t know how to stop worrying because it creeps back in as soon as you stop focusing on your breath. Know that it is Spirit in your body that is doing the breathing. Your body is the animated side of your Spirit. When you focus on your breath you are tuning into your Spirit, the Truth of Who you are. Your body is a gift to this world. It is here being the vehicle for your Spirit to radiate love, Light and peace wherever you find yourself.

You all have the capacity to do this in any moment. No matter how you are feeling or what you are thinking, focus on breathing and being peaceful. Focusing on your breath is what calms your entire being and allows you to be in your natural state of peace.

Many of you have for some time been aware of this because you meditate in some form or simply sit in a quiet space resting. Be still and know you are adding to the ever growing consciousness of peace on the planet.

Be the love and peace you want to see.


After I wrote the writing below, thoughts came from my sister, Carolyn, who passed on. She was 16 months younger than me. The thoughts were that we are doing this together no matter which realm we are in. I’m here on this realm and she is in spirit and we are still spiritually connected. It makes me feel so much closer to her. Below is the writing I received.

You are all here by divine appointment so make the most of it.  This is the time that has been foretold and talked about for some time, a time to cleanse the earth and start over again. So let it be so without resistance and fear of what is to come.  The weather changes, the struggling, the fighting, the wars, Covid are all contributing to the demise of life as we know it. 

Those that pass on are doing the work of helping from the other side.  Those that are here are doing their part in the physical realm. Just remember when you are consciously aware of what is happening on the planet, you will realize that it is part of your mission to be a beacon of light at this time in the midst of the turmoil. It is why you are here, why you took on physical form this lifetime. This life is not for the highest good of the planet or any of us. It is in the process of change and the New Earth can come to be. This will be a way of life that will benefit all.

Do not look at it from your human eyes in fear.  Look at it with your spiritual eyes, knowing all is in Divine Order. If it is part of your soul’s plan, you will be part of the new world.  Some will be in physical bodies contributing from here.  Some will go to the other side still contributing, like my sister, Carolyn. 

Keep your minds, thoughts, hearts, and emotions filled with the Light knowing always that where you stand is holy ground and you came for just this time.  When you remember this, your fear will disappear because you are being reminded of your mission here. You will know you are right where you are meant to be contributing and creating the New Earth. This will be a time when all are free from the old patterns and beliefs, a time of remembering who we are and why we are here. We are here to be the Light in the midst of any darkness. It is always darkest before the dawn, and we are in the dawning of the new age, the new earth.

You are loved with an everlasting love.


Now is the time to open your hearts to the love that is always present when you don’t get caught up in all the negativity you think you see in the world.  You don’t know what’s going on underneath all that is happening in the world.  Have the presence of mind and heart to choose only to see everything through loving eyes with an open loving heart.  

Now is the time to consciously bring Presence/ God/ Spirit/ Source into everything in your life and the world.  Loving Presence is always there, and all you must do is tune into it.  There are no words necessary when you are sitting in the stillness of Presence.  There is only the awareness of nothingness, no thoughts, nothing.  In the space of that nothing is the presence of total unconditional love.  In the face of everything, Presence always brings love to the situation.  Your role here on this planet is to be an open conduit for Presence to flow through, always has been, and always will be.  

This is the time for all to come together in the presence of love and be there knowing that with God all things are possible and that there is no place where God is not.  Bring your loving heart to that realization and be with that throughout your day.  

Practice that right there in your own home with your loved ones.  How can you be more loving with that person, or your neighbor, or a relative, or friend, or where you work, or towards what is going on in the world that you are upset and concerned about?   Your concern lowers your vibration unless you use it as an opportunity to be love. Your concern can be a call for love.  Embrace love and be love in the midst of your concern.   

At some point, concern about anything will drift away as you remain the presence of love in the face of it all.  It may not be something you are able to do immediately or all the time, but you get to practice in every moment because there is always something that will press your buttons.  The thing is that those buttons are blocking the light and your loving nature from shining forth.  So, when people and conditions come into your life and press your buttons, know they are gifts for you to release emotions and thoughts that keep you from being the loving light you are to the world.  So, see it all as a gift to you and the world.

Be the love and peace you want to see in the world.


Beloveds, I was thinking about everything  I do to maintain my body, and it felt tiresome.  Then a flash of insight came.  This body is the vehicle through which I can do what I came to do.  It contributes to why I chose to come to planet earth at this time.  Everything that comes my way is an opportunity to love.  Beloveds, tell us more. 

When you learned on the news about an attack by one country on another country, a wave of sadness came over you.  That sadness was met by compassion for the people being invaded as well as the people involved in the invasion, and all those watching and feeling what they felt at hearing the news.  This is the world you live in today, and it is a repeat of what has gone before.  One difference is there are now many Light Workers here on the planet doing the work of compassionately being present with the world and radiating love everywhere.   

Remember, everything is a Holy Experience when you are doing it from the consciousness that you are a Being of Light radiating love near and far.  That is why you are here.  You have the awareness of what you are doing, and you can consciously make choices that support the love you are.  You came here with that love so you could be here to do this amazing work of being the love you are created from.

So, it behooves you to take care of your body because it is how you get to be here meeting and greeting people, and truly listening to what is going on in their lives and offering your compassionate loving presence.  These do not have to be profound experiences.  Taking your daily walk, speaking to people, reaching down to pet their dog, listening to what they share.  Simply being there with them is a profound act of love.  You can do the same thing with people in the grocery store.  When you are at the checkout counter, use the cashier’s name and share your gratitude for his/her service.  

You are a walking energy field touching the energy fields of everyone you meet.  Your smile is an act of love and changes the love energy of the planet right from where you are.  It is like the butterfly effect.  The butterfly flaps its wings and starts the air current moving and increasing, and eventually, it moves across the planet creating the rain that waters the plants.   With every small act of love, you are sending across the planet more of the love you came here to be.

So go forth, beautiful butterflies, and flap your wings of love wherever you find yourself and change the world.

Be the love and peace you want to see in the world.


We are here to spread goodwill, to share our open-hearted loving way of being with everyone we meet.  Light Workers came to do just that and along the way, over lifetimes their Light became more and more hidden by fear of many things they encountered here on Earth.  However, this has ended.

There are now enough awakened beings remembering Who they are and why they are here which has caused the shift in awareness and awakening.  Enough of us have heard words of truth and believed them and have awakened to remembering Who we are. The fear that has kept us trapped in the material way of living with the focus on trying to stay alive with mortgages, jobs, and responsibilities has lifted. Fear caused much dis-ease in the body, which then added health concerns to the list of things that kept us trapped and forgetting the Light within us that is the true healer. That has all changed.

We have all been given the opportunity to move along with the shift, to catch the momentum of the amazing energy that is all around us. What matters is we choose to focus our energy there and not go meandering along daily allowing the fast pace of life to carry us along until we lay in bed at night wondering what happened to our day.  With the attitude we bring to it, we have the choice to choose how we spend our day.

Are we doing whatever we are doing consciously be it mowing the lawn, washing dishes, or making corporate decisions?  Are we doing it from the consciousness we are Beings of Light spreading love near and far?  As we do whatever we are doing with this awareness, it becomes a Holy Experience and we transform not only our own energy field but also that of the planet.

We are moving in this direction.  The speed with which we move depends on how much time we spend inundated in fear of our material circumstances and what we need to do about them.  That attitude keeps us in a lower vibrational frequency. So, choose to know that with the Divine all things are possible and that will attract the insights, intuitions, and synchronicities that are there all around us moving us forward with grace and ease in divine timing and divine order. We can pay attention to these insights, intuitions, and synchronicities as they come to us and choose to act on them. We will “know” what is actually ours to do.

Go in peace, Children of the Light.  We are all loved with an everlasting love. We are all One.

the world needs your light

Beloveds, what do you want to write about today?

The state of the world is a good place to start, and it is not for us to judge it or for you to judge it. It is just what is going on now. In the future there will be something that comes out of it that you do not have the eyes to see right here in this moment as you look through your human eyes. At this time, even your Spiritual eyes cannot discern what is about to happen, and that’s where trust comes in. You can choose to trust that whatever is about to evolve will evolve in a way that will assist the world on a grand scale.
When you look back in history to this time, it will be perceived as a time of the great awakening. The great awakening is preceded by a great time of pain and suffering. It is more often than not through pain because people resist change unless they are forced to, and with force comes pain. However, please remember that this pain is more intense when you resist it without recognizing that there is a plan behind it all.
When you look at the sides that people are taking with what is happening in the world, you will see people are waking up in their own individual ways. There are no sides in reality; there are only people who are being influenced by what is happening out there and within themselves. They look at the world, and then they think and feel what resonates with them. But know that very resonance is colored by what is going on inside of them. You cannot imagine this, but you can have empathy.

When you look at people, see the inner child and the Light within. What you see on the outside is not Who they are in Truth. You are not your thoughts; you are not your emotions. You are not only what you think you are. You are so much more than that. Let yourselves out of the captivity of being only human beings encapsulated in this body you have taken on this lifetime. You can choose to see and move beyond this little version of yourself. You have it within you to know the greater part of you, Who you really are. You are the Light of the world and the Divine’s hands and feet. You are how God shows up on this realm.

Be the love and peace you want to see.


As much as I want to experience it all with a loving heart, it can be a challenge so I asked my Guides, “Why do I do what I don’t want to do, and not do what I want to?” The following was the reply.

The perennial question, dear one. You are on the human level in a human body with lots of deeply embedded patterns that are working themselves out this lifetime.

Let it unfold as it will and just be with it as it unfolds. Your experience of all of it with the awareness of what’s happening is key. You have for some time been “watching” this process.  Continue to do so remembering joy is why you are here and you can’t feel joy when your heart is unloving. Joy is the greatest service you can provide to others and to this planet because it has such a high vibration that it pulls everything else up with it. This is the master plan and you are all participating in it valiantly.

Where improvement can happen is when you “see” what you have done or not done, be kinder to yourself with the realization you are doing the best you can at a human level. This is important because your own vibration depends on it. You cannot be vibrating joy when you are telling yourself how you “should” have done or not done something in a harsh way.

You do what you do until you don’t. Can you be OK with this? The more you feel you are doing something wrong, the more you are empowering it with your energy and you keep it going. Let this writing be the healing it is meant to be.

Focus on the inner joy that is already within you bubbling to the surface when you are not telling yourself you “should” do better. You can all be shining lights for one another by practicing self-acceptance and self-love by realizing Who you are. You are the hands and feet of your God Self. You are Divine here experiencing being human with all the patterns. So not wanting those patterns is a waste of your precious energy. Simply experience it all with an open mind and a joyful loving heart and you will see the transformation that is already within you.


I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts. Lesson 19, ACIM

This world is a big place; however, you are all connected through your thoughts so it is very important, imperative as a matter of fact, that you watch your thoughts and what you are sending out into the world.  It affects your own energy field as well as the energy of the whole planet.  

Take a break from thinking everything seems to be going to hell in a handbasket and instead think everyone is growing and getting stronger and more evolved through all they are experiencing.  HOLD THE LIGHT FOR ALL WHO DON’T SEE IT THIS WAY.  

Remember this.  What ever you hold in your mind is what will out picture in your life eventually so you can see what you have been thinking.  No blame here, just more awareness.  This is an opportunity for you to see what you have been dwelling on. 

Don’t search your mind and drive yourselves over the edge trying to figure what you have been thinking that brought about what is going on in your life now or on the planet.  Simply be aware that is so and let it unfold as it will.  You will see thoughts pop up and you can simply be with them with out resisting them.  

Awareness is key and you can be aware in every moment through your breath.  Breathe more consciously.  Take a breath and feel it.  Feel your stomach expand and feel it moving through your body.  That centers you and brings you into the present moment.  You can simply be with it and allow yourself the gift of peace in that moment rather than fighting what you see happening within you or out in the world.  

The world is doing what it is doing.  You can choose to be the light and send light and love out to the world right where you are.  You can’t do that effectively unless you are centered in peace yourself. That’s where breathing consciously comes in.  When you are breathing consciously, you actually center yourself, and what is going on out there or even in you internally takes a back seat to your own breath.  You are focusing on the breath that is really your Spirit, the Divine in you breathing you.  That simple act connects you to the Truth of your being.  You and everyone else are spiritual beings having a physical experience.  Keep remembering that – ‘I am a spiritual being having this experience and so is everyone else.’